Sunday, November 15, 2009

Snow in Santa Fe, Beautiful November 2009

Yes I woke-up this morning to snow, snow, it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2009

As the moon sets we arrive at the Fiesta, it is 5:30 and I cannot believe all the people that are here. There is an excitement in the air, it's like being a kid again.

Each fall, pilots, crews and spectators from all over the world come to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, the worlds largest hot air ballooning event. For nine days during the first week of October, hundreds of colorful balloons float above the city each morning as dawn breaks over the Sandia Mountains. This visual feast is said to be the world's most photographed event. I took so many pictures and am sad as I can only fit a few here.

Mass ascensions, when more than 600 balloons lift off, are held on all four weekend mornings and one day mid-week. They begin at dawn, after the "dawn patrol" examine the morning's weather conditions. Unfortunately this year was a bad year as the weather was windy and overcast. Even so, it was exciting and so beautiful.

I am somewhat disappointed as a lot of the events were cancelled, one such event may be the Balloon "Glowdeos" where the balloons ascend while it is still dark so you see their glow and also the "Special Shape Rodeos" where all the balloons have great shapes (I have posted pictures of a few we saw). It was pretty exciting as we got to walk among the balloons as they were inflated. Kevin did the walking and saw close up views while I stayed back and clicked away.

Each year it is estimated that about 750,000 people come to view this event and believe me there were people on top of people and yet it didn't bother anyone. There was so much going on: food booths, chainsaw wood carvers, car show (pictures in next blog), bands, Ehecatl-Aztec dancers and so much more. I hope to see the "Special Shape Rodeos" and the "Glowdeos" this year but if I don't it's okay, I will be back next year.....Hope you enjoy the pictures.

The monster balloon would not turn....sorry

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Special Time with Bailey

We love having Bailey come visit and she comes every summer. This year was special as she flew all by herself. Wow, pretty exciting for all of us. I was a little tense, so we got to the airport at 8:00; her flight was scheduled to arrive at 9:30. Kevin and I went to the gate and were told the flight would be there at 10:00. I didn't want Bailey getting off the plane and not seeing us but Kevin said we had time to get breakfast, off to McDonalds for coffee and a bite, we no more finished and we hear my name being called over the loud speaker, her flight got there at 9:17. Yikes, I ran all the way to Gate #1 and there she was - oops. Later at home I noticed a tag on her luggage that said "Late Check-in" so I guess I wasn't the only one running late. Bailey said the flight was good, she sat by a woman and her child. Upon arriving we headed to the Spectrum Mall. First stop was at GameStop to get games for Bailey's DS lite.

Then on to the Pet Shop where Bailey found and fell in love with a little puppy. Bailey tells me he is only $899. and she could come and visit him........time to move on.

Bailey loves the water so most days were filled with trips to the pool and the beach. She should be a fish, she swims like one and everyone is so amazed at how well she takes to the water.
after the big waves, Bailey standing on shells that were washed in and pictures of life in the tide pools.

Bailey at the Ocean Institute, Moon Jelly Fish are behind her. Bailey was able to touch some of the sea life at the institute, she had a good time.
Bailey loves the to swim we spent a lot of time in the pool and spa.

It wouldn't be a Bailey trip without Chucky...

These are the shells that Bailey found at Laguna Beach

Kevin and Bailey at Dana Point

There were 4 days where the tide was so big that they didn't allow anyone in the ocean. This was one of those days..poor Bailey she so wanted to go catch that wave. I know the waves will be there next year when our Sweet Bailey comes and visits us again.
We love you Bailey and can't wait till your next visit; more kisses than you can count. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our Visit with Mark and Bonnie 7-4-09

Rio Grande River, Old friends and Sunset over our neighbors house

Mark and Bonnie have been our friends for many years, in fact Kevin and they were friends before me. It is always good to see them and this was there second trip to NM. We just love to sit and visit with them. They arrived on the third and we enjoyed pizza and conversation. Then on the fourth we watch a thunderstorm and "Green Chilie Stew". The fifth it was breakfast at Guadalupe's and then off to Taos. So much to catch up on. Good friends, good food....Good times.

Camel Rock on the way to Taos and Sunset next to our home

Rio Grande River and Storm moving in
.Landscape, clouds and the Rio Grande

Awesome trio in Taos Plaza and Bonnie in front of Rio Grande River

a cat we saw it weighed 20 pounds and clouds so beautiful
So until next time we say,"Here's to Good Friends and Good Times."