Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paris with Amanda & Jon - March 2010

March 6, 2010 we take to the air, headed to Paris to meet up with Amanda & Jon. Who would have guessed that we would once again get to see Paris.   Kevin and I were so excited when the kids asked us to   join them. I didn't think the big day would ever come and   yet here we are on the airplane and headed to France.
We will be staying at the Marriott (just outside of Disneyland Paris). Amanda and Jon have a time share there. Nice. We plan on seeing some sites we saw before so the kids can see them and then some new ones. I am sure whatever we do will be fun. It will be a different season so pictures will be amazing. I am only posting a few pictures as I did a book and you can look at it and see the whole trip....Enjoy.

Why don’t we meet up in Paris?
Spend time together with family and friends,
Let’s stand side by side,
Take a train ride, sail away on a boat on the Seine,
And hope this never ends.
They say it’s beautiful in Paris,
I wonder if that’s really true,
Is it something to do with the weather?
Or something, To do with the view?
Why don’t we meet up in Paris?
Take a train, a boat or a plane,
Make our way to the streets,
Drink coffee, eat baguettes, and sweets
and then do it all over again. So come walk with me and see Paris.                                                                                

Top pictures was taken from the Metro on our way to the Eiffel Tower, we came around a bend and I looked out the window and there it was, I was thrilled that I had time to get this picture.  2nd picture: Amanda and Jon on our way to the Eiffel Tower.  3rd picture: Notre Dame taken from top of the Eiffel Tower.  4th: all lite up-beautiful 5th: I love these horses there are 2 and I took so many pictures of them on both trips.  6th: looking up a tree lined street that we passed. 7th: Amanda & Jon  8th: Kevin and me, and then pictures of more of the Tower and off we go.  Jon and Amanda loved the bread in Paris, here Jon is enjoying a sandwich on our way to Notre Dame.
Springtime in Paris is the stuff of songs, daydreams, and romance novels. I found that this is so true. While cruising the Seine River, admiring art at the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay, and seeing the quintessential Parisian sights of the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame, I fell in love. We enjoyed coffee at a café on the Champs-Elysées, had a lunch with fresh bread and cheese in a Paris café. Then topped it all off with an evening ascent up the Eiffel Tower to witness the City of Lights in full glory. What is there not to love…….Paris.

Be sure to look through the Paris Trip book...