Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July.....Independents Day

This flag was made by General John Fremont's wife: Jessie Benton Fremont.

Flag that was flown in the Square and Kevin.

July 4th, Independents Day....have we forgotten the real meaning of this day? Is it all about a day off, fireworks, partying? Don't get me wrong gatherings are wonderful, but how many remember what we are celebrating? Kevin and I don't go out on the fourth we stay in where we are safe. This in itself is sad. Too many people party and then take it to the road. This year our friends Mark and Bonnie were here. It is always good to see them and catch up on all the latest. So we sat out on the back veranda and watched a thunderstorm, saw a few fireworks from our neighbors and talked. On the 5th we drove to Taos to see Kit Carson's home. As we walked through it and looked at his life as an American hero I couldn't help but be impressed by this man. Then there it was our flag; the story is that in 1861 Kit resigned as an Indian Agent to serve his country in the Civil War, tension was running high at the start of the war. Accourding to the legend, Southern sympathizers met in the Taos Plaza to raise their flag. Kit, Ceran St. Vrain and others nailed the American flag to the pole. They hoisted Old Glory, and guarded it around the clock. The Stars and Stripes have flown day and night in Taos Plaza ever since. Thanks to Kit, Taos is one of only seven locations in the United States where this is allowed.

I love history and enjoyed seeing Kit Carson's home with our friends. I am proud to be an American and I for one will never forget what it means when I see fireworks.

50 Caliber Hawkin Rifle, muzzel-reload, weighed: 10-11 pounds and the shotgun Kit carried.

Kit was never educated but was a Colonel in the army.

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