Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tateum Scott Crowley - North Carolina Trip

A long time coming, but here it is the first posting of my Blog.

Kevin and I just got back from a trip to North Carolina. We went to be with Sandy for the birth of our Grandson "Tateum Scott Crowley". What a miracle birth is. I find my reaction surprising as I was there for Bailey's birth and having two children of my own. This time it was my daughter and for me her pain was too real and then there he was; our sweet bundle of joy.

Tateum Scott Crowley
Born: May 12, 2009
At: 2:09 am
6 pounds 10 oz
20 1/2 inches long

Tateum missed Mother's Day by just a few days, but it was a very special day for me as both Scott and Sandy were there. It has been many years since I had both kids together in the same place. Scott, Heidi and Bailey flew out to be there for the birth but had to return to Illinois before the blessed event. It was good to see them. After the big day, Kevin and I slipped away for a day and went up to the Blue Ridge Mts. It is so beautiful there. Every thing was in bloom it just takes your breath away. We went to a small town, Blowing Rock; the people were so friendly. It is a small town packed with a lot of interesting places. Kevin found a store that sold dulcimer instruments unfortunately it was closed with a note on the door that said, the owners would meet us at the store if we called them, we didn't feel it was necessary to have him come so we just looked at the items through the window. Then on to an old fashion candy store, they sold candy by the pound and believe me they had every old candy you can think of, yes we bought our favorites. We Left Blowing Rock and went to our favorite Resturant "Chetola" it is hidden away just outside of Blowing Rock we found it two years ago when we were there for Thanksgiving, it is so beautiful. Had a very nice lunch. The view from the resturant is so pretty, don't you agree? After lunch we headed back and on our way came across a bridge sign, the bridge was a ways off the road we stated to go to it but ran into a man who advised us that due to the time of day it would not be wise as the snakes were out, Copperheads. So we will save that till next time....

Heading back to Sandy's we stopped at Hendrick Motor Sports Museum & Team Store. It was amazing to see all the cars there and of course my favorites: Jimmy Johnson and Jeff Gordon. We were there at the right time as they were gearing up for the big race in Charlotte. It was so cool to see all the RV's parked everywhere. You just wouldn't believe it, people setup a month prior to the race, there were Police units everywhere..Unbelievable.

It was a very nice trip and so good to see all the family. So many babies, Lindsey and Lisa both just gave birth to baby boys so there will be cousins for Tateum to play with.
So until my next adventure,
Happy Travels To You.


  1. This was my first page and I haven't figured out the space thing...hang in there next time will be better.

  2. Nice initial post. Good to see you're including photos of the homeless in your posts. ;>)

  3. Finally- wonderful pictures of the new grandson and my favorite couple- loved the story of your NC trip- nice job
