Friday, June 12, 2009

When is Enough, Enough?

This morning I started to read the news on the internet and there it was: More slander on Sarah Palin's daughter. When is enough, enough?

I find myself wondering why this young lady has to go through this. How many of us fooled around in the back seat of our parents cars, in our boyfriend’s car? Come on let's all be honest for a minute. How many of us parents have daughters who when they dated, it scared us to death and we hoped they would be wise and not ..........! Tell me why is the outcome so different for Bristol Palin? Yes, I know her mom ran for the office of Vice what. I for one am mad as hell. Why do we let people like David Letterman and the other news channels that spread gossip get away with this. Do these people have children? How would they feel if their child was drug through the mud? David Letterman has a 6 year old little boy, how do you think he would feel if his son later in life did something and the press won't let it go. David Letterman should stop and think about it as should all of us. I know it's how he makes a living-at the expense of others, but enough is enough, let Bristol recover from the damage that is already done.

Let's look at Bristol: Bristol Palin wasn't in the news prior to the election, she didn't rob a bank, kill someone, run away, do drugs.....get the point. She simply fell in love, made love and got pregnant. She then took responsibility for what happened and had the baby, went back to school, works two jobs to support her baby and loves him.

What about the father? Where is he in the news? He walks out on her and laughs on National TV and we all just let it go. Levi Johnston you need to grow up. I can't believe that we as humans (who are said to be the smart species) can't separate mother from daughter, this isn't about Sarah Palin this is about Bristol. Will the press and Mr. Letterman continue to bash the other 4 children in this family? I for one am going to stand behind all the Bristols in the world that desire better than this from a country that says "Under God". We still live in a free country, LET OUR VOICE BE HEARD FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.

1 comment:

  1. I wish Obama would have had half the scrutiny that Palin and her family have had during the presidential campaign. Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers....move along people, nothing to see here.

    The press monumentally failed the American people and now we have to live with the results.
