Tuesday, June 9, 2009

MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSN Live....

Can you multi-task, can you multi-page? Are you as confused as I am? How can we get everything together as one page? I don't have time to go to all the sites I have.......HELP

I started with a simple MSN Live page years ago and it fell to the wayside. THEN came myspace (http://myspace.com/alethea2) . It was fun, it was inventive, I was hooked and connected. Then I heard about facebook (aletheakeegan) and I was off and running (my feet didn't touch the ground for days). I invited everyone and low and behold my contacts grew. My goal to have my whole family on one page. I am only a couple short from that goal and thought I was done and complete. Facebook was great, I loved being in touch with everyone and posting pictures in album form was amazing. Did you notice I said, "was, loved" past tense. Yup, the shine faded when they changed the format and it became a search to find the updates and all those games....great for the young adults and yes some of them are very cool but......I want simple, I want complete, I want it ALL.
Next: came Twitter (http://twitter.com/kkak4ever) , friends had it and I wanted it. So after a couple attempts I succeed in developing my Twitter. I bought a book so I could do it right and after just a couple days felt like I was connected. Oh yes there's more: I'm in fog I want to blog. You guessed it a Blog page (http://aletheakeegan.blogspot.com/) I LOVE MY BLOG.
Then came Goggle: yesterday I developed my goggle page and it was cool, but is there a page that has it all.
Back to MSN live: this morning I woke up and thought okay one more to check out LOL. http://alethea2.space.live.com/ there it is another page......who would have guessed. I really like this page. It is user-friendly, has a great picture album place, music, games, and best of all a web connect section that is so easy to use. So, you guessed it...I added all my pages and there they were. I can have them opened on the page or I can click to connect. WOW one page. Yes google had this and I am sure others do likewise, but this was so easy. I didn't have to hit and miss, pull my hair out, look up or research how to.
Check it out.....so till I find another can't do without page. See ya

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