Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Allison....21

Today we went to lunch with Allison and Robbie in honor of her turning 21. She is the last of our chickadees to enter adulthood. This is truly scary stuff. Our kids are getting older. Turn around, turn around now your a young lady going into the world. It is hard to realize that now she has to make some adult decisions. Twenty-one, I remember turning 21 for me it wasn't all that. I had been married for almost 3 years and thought I was so wise. I was home at my parents and I strolled into the kitchen; my dad and a friend were at the table having coffee, I went over to my mom and pulled out one of her cigarettes and lit it. Instantly I knew I had just made a bad mistake my dad gave me one of those looks....later he simple said, "don't ever light up in front of me again." So okay a couple days later we all go out and I wrestled with should I have a drink in front of him or not...or not won. So at lunch today Allison was trying to figure out what should she order to drink at her party. Allison, make it a good one and when your with us, a sparkling wine will be fine...LOL

We love you and wish you all the best and a life full of happiness.


  1. Oh My! Allison has transitioned from a beautiful child to a beautiful woman! Can't wait to see you both soon! ( and more pics and talks of all your adventures!) Love you! BAG

  2. Happy birthday Allison! I can still remember her as an infant. Time flies and I'm feeling much older today.
